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 Collection Points > Normal people
 Achetez le livre d'occasion Normal people de Sally Rooney sur Livrenpoche.com

Normal people

Sally Rooney

Résumé : People know that Marianne lives in the white mansion with the driveway and that Connell's mother is a cleaner, but no one knows of the special relationship between these facts. Connell and Marianne grow up in the same small town in the west of Ireland, but the similarities end there. In school, Connell is popular and well-liked, while Marianne is a loner who has learnt from painful experience to stay away from her classmates. When the two strike up a conversation in Marianne's kitchen - awkward but electrifying - something life-changing begins. is a story of mutual fascination, friendship and love. It takes us from that conversation to the years beyond, in the company of two people - funny, magnetic, complex - who try to stay apart but find they can't. It shows us how difficult it is to change who we are. And with heartbreaking tenderness, it reveals how we learn about sex and power, the desire to hurt and be hurt, the desire to love and be loved. Here is an exquisite love story which breathes fiction with new life. Source : Faber and Faber

Collection : Points

Edité par Seuil

Paru dans cette collection en Juin 2022

ISBN : 9782757888124

EAN : 9782757888124

Genre : Littérature anglo-saxonne

Toujours édité

0 pages