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 Collection Longman > Wuthering Heights
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Wuthering Heights

Emily Brontë

Résumé : "May you not rest, as long as I am living. You said I killed you - haunt me, then" Lockwood, the new tenant of Thrushcross Grange on the bleak Yorkshire moors, is forced to seek shelter one night at Wuthering Heights, the home of his landlord. There he discovers the history of the tempestuous events that took place years before: of the intense passion between the foundling Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and her betrayal of him. As Heathcliff's bitterness and vengeance is visited upon the next generation, their innocent heirs must struggle to escape the legacy of the past. The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War. Source : Penguin

N° de Collection : 5

Collection : Longman

Edité par Longman

Paru dans cette collection en 1978

ISBN : 0582523184

EAN : 9780582523180

Genre : Littérature anglo-saxonne

Toujours édité

Prix éditeur : 3.56 €

142 pages

Numéro avant/après


28 | Frankenstein | Mary Shelley
30 | Stories of detection and mystery | Collectif
31 | Dead man's shoes and other detective stories | E.J.H. Morris